Tuesday 28 April 2015

Skin Care - My Journey To Heathy Skin

Hey guys! and welcome to technically my very first ever 'beauty' blog! as you can see from the title ive decided to kick start my blog with skin care. For some of you who dont actually know what skincare is and the whole aspect of it, initially skin care is taking care of your skin, yes i know your saying 'its that simple?' well yes it is! people read to much into it and over think, 'oh i need to buy expensive products, i need the best, nothings going to work if its not a high end product from one of these huge well known companies' well think again! let me give you a quick example.

I've had horrible skin for years now! and just a couple months or so ago we got back from our college break and my friend Hannah who didn't have as bad skin as me but it was pretty red with a few spots came back and her skin looked absoloutly amazing, i asked her what she has been using and she told me she had been using a brand named 'Skin System' the 'Young Skin' range i actually had never heard of it so i asked her the prices and where to get it from and she said "£1/£2 at the most and i got it from Asda". I was literally speechless! so we went to Asda the week after and i bought some of my own, i bought a moisturizer, a foaming facial scrub, a Daily Face Wash and spot jel, from another range that they have called 'Clear Skin' as you will see in the picture below. After about a week i noticed a huge difference! it was unreal! everyone was complementing my skin, i could actually leave my house without makeup and not have to worry about what people thought!. Its been almost a month and a half and my skin has literally cleared right up, i still have a few patches of redness and a couple hormonal spots but that's to be expected for only using it for a month!  

It just goes to show that you dont have to be spending £££ on high end products that will do near enough the exact same effect as a £1/£2 product. Price is nothing to do with quality, the only reason some of these high end products cost so much is because the actual brand itself, the ingredients and of course its reputation. Everyone should have some kind of skincare routine because at the end of the day the skin you have now is the technically the only skin you will ever have so look after it!, the result is so worth it. I'd definitely recommend checking the products i mentioned out, i think there exclusively to Asda but i will do a whole review just on the Skin System brand itself in another blog!

Thanks For Reading!xo

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