Wednesday 12 November 2014

Being Yourself

Here is a topic nearly everyone can relate to, 'being different' which in this generation is now a crime. The moment you start doing something new it could either turn into a trend or turn into a reason to attract hate or abuse.

We'll take 'looks' as the  example, if you choose to do something different like maybe get some kind of surgery? or maybe do something different to your hair, you maybe gain a bit of weight or you loose to much weight, whatever it is, you'll end up getting abuse for it, but why? why cant those people feel free to be who they want to be? to be able to be yourself without being judged by silly judgmental people who clearly do not have the guts to do something different to actually be there self because they are frightened of what other people are going to think, That's what it comes down to 'Fear', fear of being judged for being themselves,  which anyone who has been in that situation (me included) can tell you that its worth the risk and its so much better being yourself rather than hiding behind some pretend shadow of something that your not, of course it took me ages to come to terms with who i actually am and how i could express who i really am, i knew the consequences of being myself but if it meant freedom so id do anything it takes, which i did and you need to aswell, why would you want to be someone else when technically you dont even know who you really are yet or what you're even capable of?, ask yourself that.

Now expanding on the whole 'looks' example we'll move to peoples tastes in clothes, now, me included ive had alot of hate for what i choose to wear, i consider myself a quite fashionable person and in MY eyes what i wear looks good, i dont care what other people think and why should i?, as long as im cosy and comfortable in what im wearing or what your wearing, that's what counts. which also leads me to expand on the whole 'boys cant wear makeup' now, im sorry but where in any rule book does it say that makeup is only for girls? hm?, yes exactly there isnt a rule, plenty of your favurite athletes or actors will wear some sort of makeup to interviews and social events so before you go judging or shouting abuse to a guy wearing makeup across the street then just think, your favurite athlete or whatever wears it which makes you not only rude, disrespectful and alot of other things, it makes you a hypocrite. We all have our different tastes in clothes, music, accessories, games or really anything! but as long as your comfortable and confident in what your wearing or doing and most importantly enjoying, then its all good, dont listen to the jealous people who just want what you have.

So in conclusion, never judge someone for who they are and what they choose to do, you dont have the right to do that your not high and mighty, your just another extraordinary  human being, like we all are, were all made up of blood and bones. Help yourself and others by just being yourself and doing what you enjoy to do freely without fear of being judged because you only get one chance, dont blow it.

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