Tuesday 14 October 2014

Being A Gay Teenager In 2013/2014

Being gay at any time and age is hard. Not because we have done anything wrong but because society has shaped us into a different species of human, which we aren't were all the same and to see someone being bullied or abused because they are gay/lesbian or even transgender, its completely wrong and disgusting! we are all the same! its really not a choice. We are who we are. You literally are destroying someones self esteem and basically life, why? because you're scared? because you dont understand us? No. there is absoloutly no excuse! there is no such thing, and 'Homophobic' in my opinion, that is beyond stupid, how could you be scared of another human being for liking the same sex? it completely blows my mind. I'm struggling to even write this because this shouldn't have to be written!! this is 2014! and people still cant accept that there is such a thing called 'different'

So when your about to hit or call that guy/girl another horrible name, just wait just have a tiny think and remember that hes just like you/Shes just like you!, She/He has  heart, lungs, brain, eyes, nose and most importantly we have feelings and so do you! so i dont see the difference? what? because we happen to like another boy? or another girl? sit and have a little think how is that wrong?. The only answer to that question is 'there isn't anything wrong with that! so please, stick up for whats right!.

Now a days its so hard to be yourself! infact i dont know one person that can be there self and not get judged! looks, clothes, if you have a spot, if you decided to wear a jacket that was in fashion last summer which leads me back to being gay how can anyone be there self's and how can you expect someone to be their self if your just going to judge them? especially with all this technology these days, all this social media is just making it easier to target young gay people and not get caught. Now as we finish up this some what feels like a story now. Please be yourself if not yourself who are you going to be? your friends next door neighbors cat? your best friends grandma? No of course your not! be yourself and always have a smile on your face! stay positive and i know its easier said than done but ignore name calling and bully's! but always remember to report them. Dont even let them get away with hurting you! Ever!!.

Stay Strong! because if you can pull through this, you can pull through anything:).

1 comment:

  1. Can everyone share with their friends and leave support! thankyou!<3
