Thursday 30 April 2015

Skin Care - Makeup Removal

i cannot stress enough how important it is to remove your makeup before sleeping!. One thing i HAVE to do is remove my makeup at night, there is nothing worse than waking up and your face has broken out because of your own stupidity. why wouldn't you want to wash your face at night anyway? its beyond me.

Overnight make-up dulls and ages the face. So, for your sake, fight the laziness or tiredness and spare a quick 5 minutes to cleanse and moisturize your face. Your face is exactly the same as the rest of your body! when sleeping your body heals and regenerates, your actually stopping that process because all your pores are clogged up with makeup let me give you an example of what can happen if you leave mascara/other eye makeup on just for one night while you sleep.

  • Leaving mascara and other eye-makeup on overnight could lead to serious infections such as conjunctivitis, as old make-up particles fall into the eyes. It can even cause you to lose eyelashes as old mascara can clog eyelash follicles, which can lead to breakage and shedding

Lets start with the actual process of removing makeup, when removing makeup always start with the eye area, as it can be so much harder to remove, first never be harsh with your eyes they are very sensitive! and heavy tugging can cause wrinkles. A good eye makeup remover is baby shampoo, put a bit of that onto a cotton bud or your eye makeup cloth and gently massage to remove all makeup in the eye region.

On the rest of the face you can use makeup face wipes and again dont tug the skin its also sensitive and once you've removed the noticeable makeup with your wipes always remember that its not gone even though its not visible to the eye its still inside your pores so what id recommend now is that you use some kind of face wash that removes oil and gets deep into the pores. After that ALWAYS remember to moisturize because what you've done is remove all the moisture on your face by wearing makeup that whole day and by taking all the oil out of it while removing the makeup. It doesn't matter if you naturally have oily skin, the moisturizer will trap all the moister for you so your skin can begin the healing process.
Well i hope you've learned a little about the importance of proper makeup removal because it really is an important routine that should take place every night before you sleep! even having no makeup on! always moisturize and take care of your skin!. I will go into detail of my own makeup removal routine and the products i use in a future blog!

Thankyou So Much For Reading!xo

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